Marysia is a nonbinary contemporary circus artist, specializing in acrobatics, juggling, chair balancing and mime. They have been described as "the swiss army knife of circus performers" for their expansive skill set and ability to open a bottle of wine. They spend 90% of their time pursuing the upside down and airborne, gleefully smashing together object manipulation, theater, and movement. The other 10% of their time is spent reading good books.
Marysia graduated from the three-year ProTrack program at the New England Center for Circus arts in 2020, where they majored in artistic falling (acrobatics and theatricality.) Prior to that they honed their skills at SANCA (Seattle), Spin! (Australia), The Circus Project (Portland) and Galpao du Circo (Brasil).
Marysia is currently on tour with their comedy variety show "Marvelous Marysia's Circus Danger Show" and will be available for projects, performances, and collaborations world wide in 2025.
Full resume and references available upon request. (Give me an excuse to show off!)
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Marysia has over fifteen years coaching experience, including three years as the director and lead coach at The Circus Project's summer camp and two years managing a private aerial and flexibility studio. They have coached online acrobatics classes both privately and for the New England Center for Circus Arts. Most recently, they could be found getting people upside down at Fly Circus Space in New Orleans.
Marysia specializes in working with adults looking to develop movement fluency in the realms of acrobatics, handbalancing, flexibility and strength. They are available for workshops and in person lessons as touring locations and schedule permits, but their online coaching schedule is currently full. Contact them below to be added to a student waitlist.
Full coaching resume, workshop listing, and references available upon request.

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